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Chicago Franchise PR Agency

I loved that article from AdAge. Thanks so much for reminding me about this article, PR Blog!


1. Any article that denotes a sub-header with a Vanilla Ice lyric is fine by me.

2. I really appreciate your views on the necessity of getting different departments to work together to both produce the best content as well as test and market out that content through social media. As someone who works on an in-house social media team, it would be amazing to go beyond just integrating teams from PR, Marketing, Ad, etc., and begin collaborating also with contracts teams, sales persons, and customer service, to start getting an even greater overall view of what content could be most beneficial.

Franchise PR

If you do it right, then you can get it to direct a lot of traffic.


Social media marketing has helped many business beginners to reach new customers


Thanks for sharing this article from AdAge. Social media can certainly improve the content marketing process and assist in measuring audience interest. I am interested in how global brands, that manage global social accounts as opposed to regional, can properly engage with multiple audiences and still produce the most beneficial content. Having worked for such a company in the past, we often struggled with which types of content to post for our multiple audiences and how to properly assess engagement.


Social media is something very important in this digital era, has helped many people to grow its business


social can be used to boost the development of business and one's image


Nice post! thanks for the sharing.


Using social media for marketing can enable small business looking to further their reach to more customers. Your customers are interacting with brands through social media, therefore, having a strong social media marketing plan and presence on the web is the key to tap into their interest. If implemented correctly, marketing with social media can bring remarkable success to your business. There are some good companies in India like WebChutney, Gozoop, Digital Latte and many more which offers great social media marketing services.


Great Info-graphic! Adding it to my list of Strategic Planning Tools along with SWOT, PESTLE Analysis, Five forces etc. For me is all about strategic thinking and analysis. Thank you!

tanner grant

Love this. Short, sweet and straight to the point.

Love the infographic that was provided, holds a lot of important information. Social media marketing is key to reaching new customers and growing business and every company should be expermienting in some way.

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