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Mike Cornelia

The penguin update is the reason for a lot of your complaints. The reason 15% of your subscribers receive your posts is because of the new Google algorithm. I know it is confusing, but it was put in place to mediate equilibrium among the SEO community.

waters hplc

I found the perfect place for my needs. Contains wonderful and useful messages. I have read most of them and has a lot of them.


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glad to hear that..


Excellent post! It is essential that you are able to figure out when to use old techniques, when to upgrade old techniques, and when to dump them absolutely. Understanding your viewers and objectives is key.

Justin Park

Guy Kawasaki is the man!

-Justin Park

My Own SEO - Where to Start

Guy Kawasaki has become the Top Influencer, he is definitely right about Google +! not surprisingly, Google+ is a Virus-like Traffic generating Social Platform and even passing the social media cost for web pages.

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