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Nick Vehr

Kevin - awesome post. Been fun to follow it all. Appreciate the play-by-play from a real pro.

Kevin Dugan

Nick: Thanks for the feedback. It's much appreciated.

Lisa Kalustian

Great case study of how Twitter plays a key role in the public realm AND that it cannot stand alone to be successful -- has to be integrated in to other efforts, and personal contact is still vital. Thanks.

Michelle Comerford

This is such a fantastic story! 1) Demonstrates an innovative approach to economic development/business attraction and retention and 2) Is also helping my company's management see the value in using Twitter (even major company CEOs are engaged on it!)

Dorothy Griffith

This was a great article! It's always interesting to see how social media is able to affect campaigns of all natures, whether political, business or just entertainment. Your advice about the proper way to go about conducting such a campaign is very helpful as well, and includes things that we all must keep in mind when utilizing social media.

Great post!

Dorothy Griffith
Writer/Editor, Platform Online Magazine

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I also like the perspective you brought to this subject. Its like you have an insight that most people havent seen before. So great to read a blog like this.http://www.dvdboxsetsshop.com/

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