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This kind of hits home for me because I am in the younger generation who is growing up and will be job hunting in the era of such a huge change of pace and introduction to the world of social media. We are learning more and more what skill sets can make us valuable to a company, and some that are expected, and much of them have to do with social media and being on top of the change that is happening in the public relations and marketing world. It is a part of my everyday life, and will undoubtedly be a part of my professional life as well. I feel like a lot of the things we are expected to have skill sets in and focus on coming out of college is quite different than the graduates who were going into the professional world 5 years ago due to the shift towards social media.

Kevin Dugan

Lacey - well put. I think as long as we acknowledge these shifts/changes, we can figure the rest out. Internships are one big way to mitigate this and turn it into an opportunity.

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