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I do agree. I've been in and out and now out for good from automated systems that kill the true sharing aspect of being a community member. HootSuite. Tried it. Left it. DMs? Never tried. Never will. Thanks for the reminder!

Gavin Heaton

So true, Kevin! I think that Greg Verdino first taught me the importance of personalising LinkedIn messages. His "invitation to connect" was brief but spot on - and I still remember it.

Kevin Dugan

Paul and Gavin - Thanks for the feedback. It's amazing how the smallest detail can set you apart in these situations. Someone else, I think it may have been Chris Brogan, suggested wishing people you know Happy Birthday outside of Facebook. It's only one extra step but it makes a much bigger impact.

Davina K. Brewer

Like Paul and Gavin, I don't automate DMs or use the stock LinkedIn text. It's about making a personal connection.
And you're right, it does take time but it's worth it as you make genuine, valuable connections.


I absolutely agree with your final thoughts, that many people don't want to hear that it takes time to leverage social media. I have been marketing with Facebook relentlessly for about 6 months now, and it is finally paying off in sales for my CPA campaigns. Yes, social media can be lucrative, but it still involves listening/reading/and engaging with your audience.

Sam Zipursky

Kevin. Some good points here. If I connect with people I never use the auto message. Doesn't seem personal at all and makes me think people are just building numbers and not connections.

Also if we replace the word "social media" with "relationships" in your sentence "Impressive social media results do not usually come at impressive rates of speed" then that sums it up to me all right there.

Nice one,
Sam Zipursky


I like to think of social media as the difference between slow food (which is basically food prepared with local & organic ingredients) and TV dinners (which everyone knows are highly processed). Cooking with great ingredients (generally) yields better results, but takes longer. TV dinners are, well, really bad for you and don't give you anything but a sugar rush and a lot of empty calories.

It's a bit of an obtuse analogy, I know, but I think it's apt.

Kevin Dugan

Thanks everyone for the feedback.

Daniel - I like the slow food vs. TV dinner analogy. Well done.

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