Friendfeed introduced the “river of news” concept. Some call it lifestreaming. OK, but doesn't life happen offline?
Semantics aside, the river of news makes it easier to scroll through blog posts as they're published. Friendfeed works great for browsing the latest. And while it’s not a pass through, it makes it tougher for me to keep up with an individual blogs' posts. So from an archival standpoint, a feed reader has always been my mainstay.
Get on the Newsmap
When I saw Newsmap for the first time; I was impressed as it allows you to see a lot of news at once. But unlike news sites like Drudge Report for example, you can immediately discern which stories are getting the most coverage. I’d love to have the browsing functionality of Newsmap for something like Bloglines.
When I first read about Our Signal, I realized that my wish list might not be too unrealistic. According to the site, looks at currently popular items on the top social news sites (i.e. Digg, Reddit,, Hacker News) and mashes it all together in an interactive treemap, very similar to the well-known Google Newsmap. The idea is to allow users to get a rapid overview of what the latest breaking headlines are at the frontline of the intermatubes. The bigger the rectangle, the more relative votes a story has. The warmer the color, the quicker the story is on the rise. Cooler colors denote negative velocity.”
Treemaps, Rivers or Feed Readers?
Consuming the news is getting tougher to do. Sites like Newser are helping with big headlines, but a treemap/feed reader combo would make consuming the news a lot easier.
As news continues to flow, it's key to develop a smart approach to staying informed. What's your best tip for staying on top of the news?
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