Between some well-intended privacy stories, some (very) sensational privacy stories and recent news from Google, I’m compelled to state what might be the obvious.
You need to be smart about what you say and do online. For example, when creating a company policy about social media usage, I suggest that if an employee can’t say it in front of their Mom or in front of a competitor they probably shouldn’t put it online.
As marketers, however, we should be taking full advantage of the fact that Google sees all. We should be syndicating content across as many platforms as our customer community frequents. If they look for us in these 2.0 hot spots we want them to find us.
Consider the search implications of this distributed approach to content. In the past we created walled gardens to aggregate all of our content in one place. By turning that content into spreadable media, the opportunities to impact search results increase exponentially. And if in turn all of this media has distribution capabilities like ShareThis the search impact increases even more.
It all starts with Google
Have you Googled yourself, your client or your company lately? A brand’s search results are the first moment of truth online. Google now allows you to improve these results by creating a Google Profile.
It’s imperative that we make sure that everyone understands the implications of Google’s ability to catalog and cache seemingly all online activity. But we should also be deliberate in making sure Google finds our story in as many places as it makes sense. If we don’t? Google might find someone else’s version of our story instead.
10 Years Google by Patrick Chappatte
© Copyright 2007
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