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Mihaela (Dr. V)

This strikes me as a brilliant way for a company to learn about social media and demonstrate its value to executives. I love the idea.

As a teacher, I'm with you on the "it's not about age" point. I think the whole idea of "digital natives" is a misunderstood myth, and I work hard to help my students live up to the expectations that they know everything about everything online. But it is true, they learn very quickly and without fear - that's different in their generation, as compared to some of my older colleagues who still don't believe me that they can't break their computer by writing a blog :)

Elliot Campbell

I love this idea. This is a great event to show the true power of social media and its impact. But in addition, seems like a great way to raise money for a worthy cause.

Congratulations to every one involved!


Kevin - nice finally meeting you face to face as well!!

Postcard Printing

Impartial analysis, great job; will be reading your other posts too.

Kevin Dugan

Thanks everyone for the feedback. And Dr. V, it is good to know my anecdotal experiences are reinforced by your own!


I recently came across your blog and have been reading along. I thought I would leave my first comment. I don't know what to say except that I have enjoyed reading. Nice blog. I will keep visiting this blog very often.




I love what you said about social media - "Social media is an investment that increases in relevance over time. While a newspaper ad loses its value a day after printing, social media content increases in value over time." I've never really thought about it that way, and yet it makes perfect sense. Fortunately, Loads of Hope will continue to reap the benefits of this social media.

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