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Great little vid there - another example of how something visually succinct can provide a basis for discussion. Thanks also for getting involved with the meme. I've added you to the growing list... :-)



MediaSnackers Founder

Kami Huyse

Kevin; Thanks for taking up the challenge, I love the vid.

I guess I should have actually called my post a five course meal. Taken together, all of the pieces tell a story with depth and breadth, but broken into their components, they tell a mini story (or a snack in this meme). I have been starting to run all of my client campaigns this way.

Not sure if I like the media snacker term either, but hey, it was fun. Admit it. :-)

Kevin Dugan

DK - Thanks for stopping by and adding me to the list.

Kami - You're right, I admit it. It was fun.


Kevin -

Nice meme entry here. Not sure I like the term "media snack." Contrasts with "media meal" or "media lunch." Also, does the word "snack" trivialize whatever is communicated because snacking can be unhealthy? Although, others might say, small meals are better. Thinking out loud, here...



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