1) Online Media Request Forms Steve Rubel/Twitter
Steve points us to 4-Hour Workweek author Timothy Ferriss’ interview request form aimed directly at bloggers. For a media request process that's less anal retentive and more humble, check out this approach, or listen to this podcast from Bryan Person for some tips.
2) The Power of the Comic Book Influx Insights
Sound silly? Consider three things. Pictures communicate words at a 1K per image rate. Gaming is gaining popularity as a marketing and educational vehicle. Telling a story is the reining heavyweight buzzword concept of the world.
Based on this comic from 1956, I can show you that the Dugan family has been working with the third estate for generations.
3) The future of professional associations A shel of my former self
"Professional associations have fulfilled several vital needs for a long time, primarily networking and professional development. However, practitioners don’t need associations for these activities any more. Social media have enabled self-organizing groups to satisfy these professional needs."
4) Why All Marketing People Should Blog Mediapost’s Online Spin
“Blogging is one of the best ways for a person to internalize and sensitize one’s self to the essence of marketing.” Max Kalehoff follows this assertion with some great points (per usual). But I’ll add that if you pick a topic for your blog that you’re not passionate about, you’re in for a painful, short-lived exercise in futility. With passion? It’s not short-lived ;-)
tags | media relations | marketing
Thanks for noticing! And you are correct...no passion equals a painful experience. One key question is in business contexts. How do you inject passion in there? Sometimes it's difficult to mandate passion. It's a very personal attribute, and you can't force it. I guess it's a key criteria for injecting blogs in business in the first place.
Posted by: Max Kalehoff | 05/22/2007 at 12:03 PM
"I guess (passion is) a key criteria for injecting blogs in business in the first place."
Max - Exactly. If the goal is to start a blog, you won't get very far. Like any of these mediums show us, you better have something to say!
Thanks for stopping by. Let me know the next time you are in town.
Posted by: Kevin Dugan | 05/22/2007 at 04:26 PM
Yeah i agree with max kalehoff that passion is a key criteria for publishing the blogs in business in the first place.
Posted by: Account Deleted | 06/04/2009 at 06:05 AM