Just when I think I have nothing to post about, it looks like my Four Links for Tuesday might become a recurring post.
Teens Wireless Use is Off the Hook: Ad Age
Ad Age profiles “The Nearly Bionic Relationship of Teenagers and Their Cellphones.” Oscar Goldman would be proud. (reg. req.)
PR is Hard Work: Phil’s Blogservations
When someone goes all the way and redefines client service, against stiff competition I suspect, it deserves special recognition. Phil Gomes brings us this hands on example of someone really getting behind a project and bending over backwards to get the job done. This person should be commended for taking a safe approach to their work and not laying down on the job. This is where the rubber hits the road, so to speak. Phew. I’m here all week folks.
Mark your Calendars for FPRA Blog Week: FPRA Blog Week
I’m a big fan of event blogs and even more of a fan for blogs covering the broader realm of public relations. The FPRA blog is both of these things and it’s gearing up for a week-long event April 10-14. Mark your calendars and set your feeds to read. In addition to getting new voices out there, it might become an interesting case study on rallying PR association chapters together for a common goal. More at Hyku.
Proud to be in PR? The Bad Pitch Blog
Yes, I’m pimping the OTHER blog. We’re using Frappr to highlight public relations professionals from around the world that take pride in their work and are good at what they do. Stop by and sign the petition if you fit the bill.
tags | public relations | PR | media relations | good pitch | bad pitch | bad pitch blog | advertising | blog | fprabw | Phil Gomes | global pr blog week
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