What Web 2.0 service boasts more than 100 million examples of consumer-generated media?
Flickr—one of the most underutilized online pr tools in the blogosphere. Flickr makes it easy to store and share photos online, but it also empowers PR people with a powerful visual tool. Here are ten tips to get you started.
Flickr File Photos: Business 2.0 uses Flickr to illustrate articles. Sometimes they augment their content with a photo of the day. B20 also shows how easy it is to give the image’s owner full credit. (Friday Night Tribute to Flickr! originally uploaded by dsevilla)
Flickr Brainstorm: Looking for inspiration? Retrievr matches Flickr pictures to your sketch. It’s not an exact science, but it’s great for finding images that reinforce specific shapes and colors.
Flickr Portfolio: Face it. Attachments suck. If you’re angling for a new job and simply HAVE to show them a media placement, you can create a Flickr clip book. Scan reprints or use images from the article to link to it online. This works even better for any printed materials you’ve created. Just be sure to adhere to online copyright rules and regs.
Promote Your Event: Instead of posting images, er, post event, PSFK is using Flickr to create more buzz around this week’s Future Marketing Summit. Prior to the event, Piers Fawkes put a call out for images that expressed the future of marketing. The images were to be used during the conference.
Flickr Photo Booth: Speaking of PSFK, they also point us to an example of a Flickr Photo Booth. Consider adding it to your next event, especially an internal event. Why?
Flickr Recruiting: What better way to give a peek at your company culture? Photos of a fun event, or examples of work in the trenches. Edelman (and their army of bloggers…mwah ha ha) do a great job of this--whether they realize it or not.
Accessorize Your Post: This is similar to Retrievr. Krazydad created a Flickr Colorpickr that searches for specific photos based on the hue you choose. Categories include flowers, graffiti and doors.
Add Snap to that Map: Flickr’s Geotagging group can help you add images to your maps, including Google Earth.
Flickr Bee: You can spell it with Flickr. Do the folks from Putnam County know about this?
Land that Cover Story: Visualizing goals is key to making them happen. Well create your own magazine cover to visualize you or your client on the cover of your favorite dead tree media.
Speaking of which, there are so many Flickr hacks they filled a book with them. For more goodies, check out Flickr Hacks, visit the official Flickr blog or stop by Flickr Nation, its fan blog.
Why do I have F-word on the brain? PostSecret shows us the power images can have on blogs. Flickr is fun, easy, effective and infectious. What are you waiting for?
UPDATE: Here are 10 More Flickr Hacks for you to enjoy!
tags | Flickr | hacks | Flickr hacks | public relations | PR | blog | marketing | consumer generated media | Edelman
our agency use flickr since november to review our projects:
Posted by: Max | 02/24/2006 at 08:03 AM
Kevin this is one of the most useful posts I've read in a while. Del.icio.us in fact!
Posted by: Drew B's take on tech PR | 02/24/2006 at 02:16 PM
We use flickr so that people can post their adventure photos on our site. They simply need to tag their photo with ekibo and it will rotate through at http://www.ekibo.com>eKibo.com
Posted by: Marc | 02/24/2006 at 05:13 PM
Kevin, how about making it 11 Flickr hacks? Try a game of Flickr TagMan. Start at the end.
Posted by: TagMan | 02/24/2006 at 05:14 PM
12th hack?
Right click upload context menu (osx only)
Posted by: Duncan | 02/24/2006 at 05:20 PM
Cool :)
Posted by: Ivan Minic | 02/24/2006 at 10:53 PM
More cool flickr hacks - Great Flickr Tools Collection.
Posted by: Sam | 02/25/2006 at 02:41 AM
Kevin, what a useful collection of tips. Excellent! Thanks.
Posted by: Neville Hobson | 02/25/2006 at 04:49 AM
Very Cool... Thanks for Sharing.
Posted by: Gregg | 02/25/2006 at 09:25 AM
Have you seen http://www.pxn8.com/ ? It's an online photo editor with flickr integration.
Posted by: walter | 02/25/2006 at 06:53 PM
Very cool, thanks!
Ten Flickr Hacks
Posted by: Moayad [InTechSpot] | 02/26/2006 at 06:45 AM
OK, who "inspired" who?
Posted by: NickD | 02/26/2006 at 03:42 PM
NickD - Interesting. Fine minds think alike I guess.
I posted my list at 4 in the morning est (don't ask). Since SF-based Wired is three hours behind, it would mean their post went up between 3-4am for me to have been "inspired."
This didn't happen though. The three items that appear in both articles are simply coincidence. If you look at the stories, how they're written and the links to/from each, this should be obvious.
Thanks for pointing it out though!
Posted by: Kevin Dugan | 02/26/2006 at 08:50 PM
Nice, thanks for posting!
Posted by: Hife | 02/27/2006 at 10:13 AM
Wow, thanks for the resources, I've never signed up with Flickr, I'll do it now.
Brandon Hopkins
Posted by: Brandon Hopkins | 03/01/2006 at 05:20 PM
Try quickr pickr for a quickr way to pick Flickr pictures, generate HTML code, and post them to Blogger, Xanga, any blog, or web page.
Posted by: Nolan Touchstone | 03/06/2006 at 12:15 AM
Just thought you would like many more flickr tools
Posted by: jack | 04/08/2006 at 02:07 PM
please i want issue about public relations
Posted by: majid maleki | 05/07/2006 at 03:11 AM
Great hacks! The only wish I have in my list is that Flickr will also keep an original size copy of the picture I uploaded. The problem with their resizing is that I cannot use that picture anymore say on the site or somewhere where I needed a particular size.
Oh! did you mention we can use Flickr and other such sites as a ftp where we can store our new product pictures- no need to send emails with heavy attachments to dozen or so journalists. Just give them the link.
Posted by: India Public Relations | 05/25/2006 at 08:47 AM
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Check out this cool flickr original size photos tool that will generate original size of any flickr photo based on a photo id:
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