The AP just ran a story noting “World Wide Web creator Tim Berners-Lee started a blog just in time for the 15th anniversary of his invention.” As many AP stories go, it got plenty of pickup. The fact that this was deemed news in the first place tells us that:
- it was a slow news day
- holidays are a great time to pitch soft news.
ProfNet will be pretty light through end of year as even The Fourth Estate celebrates the holiday of their choice. But clearly blog adoption is not as far along as everyone wants/thinks/touts if the old “look who has a blog” story is still news.
Most of us are old enough to remember the news releases announcing that "Company X has launched a Web site." We also remember when this was considered news. Launching a blog is NOT news. It is a point of conversation. If you are launching a blog you have:
- been online for awhile
- defined your industry landscape
- been monitoring it religiously and participating in it as warranted.
This translates into engaging in industry conversations online. A new blog is another item to discuss and another place to hold these conversations. There are plenty of ways to let this audience know about your blog…a news release (while a proven-effective tool I still defend, write and disseminate) is NOT one of them.
tags: Tim Berners-Lee, public relations, PR, media relations, blog
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