Does Target need a blog? The short answer is Yes and No.
A Customer Blog is Overkill for Target
Two general reasons to start a corporate blog are to engage customers in a dialogue and to bring a new, authentic and transparent dimension to a company. But is this necessary for a brand as well-known and as popular as Target? It's so well-known that 96 percent of American consumers recognized the bullseye, beating out the apple and the swoosh in a 2002 brand awareness poll.
Target, the nation’s fifth-largest retailer, outspends Wal-Mart, the nation’s largest, in marketing and is one of the most creative marketers in retail. This combination of bucks and brains has vaulted Target to “cool retail icon” status. Affordable design is the common thread integrating everything Target does—from its advertising and promotions to its products and store environment.
And while Target is not officially blogging, the volume is also up to 11 online. AdRants reports that Target offers a desktop application aimed at teen girls to “splash the Target brand all over their desktops.” up2d8 lets them design their own desktop backgrounds, organize their calendar and stay current with the latest fashion, music and Target products. Customers can also sign up for the online version, giving them web access.
Based on its success, I predict Target will turn the up2d8rs into a community. They’ll be able to swap desktop backgrounds, festooned with one of the best logos ever, and they’ll probably gain access to other consumer-generated media tools. Would this, um, target audience create a free blog at Probably.
Target is one brand that could skip creating their own customer blog, slowly build a community of passionate customers and then give them the tools to promote the bullseye brand.
For all we know, Target is taking Scoble’s advice. Robert Scoble spoke with the retailer’s PR team back in May.
A Blog for Target Employees is Long Overdue
Moving from customers to employees, Target does need an employee-focused blog. The best possible store environment can be dashed by a surly store employee. We’ve all been waited on by someone that made you want nothing more than a hasty exit. An employee blog could immerse employees in the Target brand, identify HR issues, strengthen employee relations and help recruit new employees.
Target could learn a lot from:
- Honeywell: The manufacturer created a ”Career Blog” so potential candidates can get a read on company culture from current, passionate employees.
- Labor Unions: Most alarming is that the union already hosts blogs for Target employees to give them a voice in the hopes they can organize them. The Target Stores Employees’ Web Site aggregates blog posts from current, and even potential, employees.
- Current Employees: Honeywell’s positive experiences impact search results should any current employees blog about a negative experience. As Target is not officially blogging, a quick Google search turns up Target employee B. Ron.
B. Ron writes openly about his experience setting the store with “some f&*^head from corporate.” “I will tell you, if it weren't for real morons this company might be bigger than Wal-Mart. What am I saying, everyone that works at Wal-Mart is a moron!”
Target needs to engage its employees in a dialogue and give them a voice. Left unchecked, labor unions and its unhappy employees will impact customer opinion of this top retailer.
tags: Target, Wal-Mart, Honeywell, public relations, PR, advertising, marketing, blog, retail, consumer-generated media
It's the holiday season and Target has come out with fresh creative that catches the eye and ear again. It's consistently good work - year in and year out. Add to that programs like up2d8 and their localized community relations work and it's no wonder they get the kudo's they do.
Thanks for this post and your insights. I found the reasons Target should consider an employee blog to be of particular importance. As a result, I've added it to my list of marketing blogs that should be reviewed for Monday's (11/28) "Much Ado About Marketing" blog.
Thanks again,
Mike Bawden
Brand Central Station
Posted by: Mike Bawden | 11/27/2005 at 11:42 PM
interested in receiving weekly information from thiw website.
Posted by: ayesha karim | 05/07/2006 at 07:25 AM
I work at a target store in texas and i think that it would be great for employees if we had a blog. If the company is as great as they claim to be then i don't see what the problem is.
Posted by: kimberly | 06/01/2008 at 02:12 AM
I think the best set of tools are available from seochat and seobook if youre looking to utilise free online seo tools...
Posted by: Web designer kent | 07/22/2008 at 02:01 PM
I wish there was a place to talk about employes being fired from Target. I worked in a michigan store for almost a year and a half. December and Janurary I recieved 5 guest comment cards and letters from vp of target. Find myself Feburary @/18/09 being fired for placing my name on a clearence iteam in eletronics. I had two days of and went to find out I was fired with no warning, it was in the handbook imediate termination, which to my surprise i didint relize you could be fired. I thought I would least get a warning of such, which I find out later that week another employ get a warning for doing the same thing. I heard Target likes to make a example of people but why me , why anyone. If there is anything I can do,( I loved my job) please let me know. Tim store 1971
Posted by: tim | 02/24/2009 at 07:45 AM
These tools are now also available by means of . If you still need them, of course...
Posted by: Kelly | 02/26/2009 at 02:37 AM
I agree, the idea of an employee blog would be amazing. As well as help others who seek promotions; it would be a great way to seek advise on how to obtain the new promotion. I'm an employee at Target on the Sales Floor (I also do guest service, electronics, cart attendant, ect. I'm trained almost everywhere). I know my STL wants to promote me to a Team Lead in the store really badly. However, me being in high school is a huge conflict with him (because where I live there's a law saying now minor or person in high school may work after 10:00 p.m. and Target's policy is 9:45 at the latest, I have to be out of the door). What I'm getting at is, that if there was a blog to get tips on how to improve my performance at Target while I am still actively improving my performance at Target, it would've been such a great help. I would love to see something like this happen for Target. My old job did, but it wasn't in the same field and they were not very nice people.
Posted by: James | 01/04/2010 at 02:30 AM
I am a Canadian who shops and has spent thousands of dollars at Target. I drive south to Target stores and even stay at hotels while shopping at Target to give me more time. I hear that Target is opening in Canada in the next couple of years which made me happy.
My happiness is short lived since reading that Target is funding anti gay groups and refuses to fund gay groups. As a lesbian why in the heck would I ever shop at Target again? Not. I just spent over $800 last week in Buffalo Target.
That I consider my last Target experience. If Target thinks it can get away with this discrimination and funding discrimination when it comes to Canada then think again.Gays are organized active and well to do. I know I personally plan to put my efforts behind making my community aware of Targets discriminatory policies.
Shame on Target! I hope all Canadians hear about this before you make your launch. I plan on writing to all gay newspapers and magazines and letting them know. I am sorry because I like the products but I will not be discriminated again by Targets hateful policies.
Posted by: gael | 08/17/2010 at 11:02 AM