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excellent post. the corporate downsides are still evident, but these barriers will slowly slip away and they'll wonder why they ever hesitated....

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Search engine optimization and blogging are almost one of the same these days.


Great post. I'm teaching my PR firm the importance of understanding Blogs, how to pitch them and some of the risks.

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Pitching in blogs is not a simple work. It takes a lot of know how on the do's and don't's in blogs. So when you pitch in blogs be more careful with all you do so that everything will go smoothly.


I'm teaching my PR firm the importance of understanding Blogs, how to pitch them and some of the risks.

Its blogs like Tom Murphy's that scare the heck out me. http://www.mediafiretorrent.com


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It is relevant to know the do's and dont's if your going to pitch a blog so it wont give you a negative impression.

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