Several folks have asked where they can locate my RSS feed. Sadly, I do not offer RSS—yet.
When Blogger added several features to its free service, I hoped RSS would be included. But it was not to be. So it looks like I need to pony up some dough. Thanks for the feedback. I will add RSS to this site.
Steve Outing notes how RSS is quickly evolving and he foresees media Web sites offering beat-specific RSS feeds. This will occur, as it will increase feed subscriptions. A happy, captive audience translates into an advertising opportunity. We all know, "the first one's always free." And I'll bet media outlets offering RSS feeds will look at how to generate income from this service. If they are not already talking with news aggregators about this, they should be.
The beat-specific approach reminds me of the "my Web site" customization craze. The ability to customize your home page and filter out irrelevant content has been around for many moons. It has gotten scores of people to register with sites like Netscape, Yahoo and MSN. When will Google offer customization? At this point, they should go straight to RSS.
Aggregation, customization and blogs...OH MY!
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